About Us
The Laguna Beach Ocean Lifeguard
Foundation is an all volunteer organization. It is governed by three board members, who are assisted by other volunteers dedicated to the foundation's mission. Many of these volunteers are former Laguna Beach Lifeguards.
Funding for LBOLF comes from individuals and families from the community that have an interest in supporting our lifeguards, junior lifeguards, ocean safety, and the marine environment.
Thank you to the Foundation's long time supporters:
The Hexberg Family Foundation
Laguna Beach Aquathon
Buchanan Street Partners
The Dugger and Moore of Laguna Beach Fund
The Stott Family Trust
Charlie Ware
Wolf Hanke
Tim Collins
Thomas Knapp
The Macgillivray Family
John and Stephanie Cunningham
The Klosterman Family Fund
Tim and Valerie Houts
Joe Delaney

Ways We Help

Educational Scholarships
Junior Guard Sponsorships
Regional Competition Support

We are a volunteer based, non-profit organization which supports the professional, physical and mental development of Ocean Lifeguards and Junior Lifeguards of Laguna Beach.
To provide financial support to Laguna Beach Ocean Lifeguards for competition events, professional development and cultural exchange program
To provide college scholarships for active Laguna Beach Lifeguards
To provide financial support for Junior Lifeguards who might not otherwise be able to participate in the Junior Lifeguard program
To preserve the legacy of ocean lifeguards in Laguna Beach
To support and promote ocean safety and awareness of the marine environment

1278 Glenneyre # 32
Laguna Beach , CA 92651
The Laguna Beach Ocean Lifeguard Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit public charity organization, federal tax ID # 46-4951612.